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Horsford Youth Club
The current Horsford Youth Club first formed in 2007. It is open alternate weeks, during school term, on Tuesday evenings from 7.30 – 9.00pm. Admission is £1.50. The location is Horsford Village Hall.
The club is open to children from age 11 through to their 16th birthday. Current average attendances are around 35 children a week. All adult staff are community volunteers. They receive first aid training and are DBS/CRB vetted.
From April to October the club makes use of the village recreation field and modern outdoor sports hard court.
Summer activities include:
- cricket
- rounders
- football
- playing on the park equipment.
Indoor activities include:
- TT
- pool
- badminton
- football
- dodgeball
- basketball
- hockey
- carpet bowls.
The club tuck shop is particularly popular, with ice cream and lollies available in the summer.
Recent youth club activities have included a Bhangri dancer and a cookery team, with children enjoying the opportunity to experience cooking a fresh chicken pot noodle dish!
There are also craft sessions and a Christmas end of term disco.
The Youth Club aims to be an interesting mix of fun activities, with a light smattering of education. There is no pressure to take part in activities, with children welcome to simply visit for a seat and a chat - to use the club as somewhere sociable to hang out.
New children are always welcome.
The Youth Club are particularly keen to highlight that they desperately need new community volunteers. If you could spare a couple of hours each week, and put something back into your community, then please contact Kathryn Pells on 07730 280169, or why not pop along one evening and see what the volunteers get up to!
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